HOA Holiday Decorating Rules in Hyattsville, MD: What You Need to Know

HOA Holiday Decorating Rules in Hyattsville, MD: What You Need to Know

When it's the festive season, the last thing you want to deal with is an HOA fine. However, HOA decorating regulations form part of the HOA's responsibility for keeping the community safe and ordered. The HOA wouldn't serve the community if they didn't enforce their regulations.

Working with your HOA during the holiday season is a great way to stay on good terms with your neighbors and avoid fines. Here are a few tricks to make sure you stick to the HOA holiday decorating rules.

Stick to the Holiday's Timeline

Most HOA holiday decor rules set a time limit for how long specific decorations are allowed to be up. Be sure to put your decorations and take them down within the specified times. For extra compliance, notify the appropriate HOA board member of how long your decoration will be up.

Limit Size, Noise, and Flashiness

Large and flashy holiday decorations can potentially cause problems in the right conditions. An oversized inflatable Santa can obstruct a driver's view at an intersection, and a noisy or flashy decoration can bug your neighbors while they're trying to sleep.

Ensure your decorations are appropriately sized and don't obstruct essential lines of sight. Also, turn flashy or audible decorations off at a reasonable time.

Don't Mess With Sidewalks or Streetlights

Some HOA rules have nothing to do with "curb appeal" but are meant instead to keep residents compliant with municipal laws. In Hyattsville, the municipal charter prohibits painting or chalking on sidewalks without the city's prior approval. It also strictly prohibits hanging any "obstructions" in front of any light sources that should be visible to the public (streetlights, traffic lights, etc.).

This law is undoubtedly captured in every set of Hyattsville holiday decor guidelines, and breaking the rule could get you more than an HOA fine. The best thing to do is to keep your decorations within your property's boundary lines.

Find Your Specific HOA Holiday Decorating Guidelines and Contact Info

Every association management team will also have particular rules for their communities. Understanding your community's code and not just the holiday decoration guidelines is important.

Holiday decorations can sometimes cause unforeseen disputes that are not listed in the guidelines. In such cases, it's essential to understand your HOA's dispute resolution clauses and to know how conflicts can be resolved. Dispute resolution clauses exemplify how seemingly unrelated provisions can affect holiday decorations.

Keep the Festive Season Festive

HOA holiday decorating guidelines exist to facilitate festivities while preventing decorations from causing damage and disputes. Avoid nastiness this festive season by investing in sensible (non-distracting) decorations. Also, ensure that you stick to any stated time limits.

Referring to your specific HOA handbook and contact details can be very helpful. This can help you spot your neighborhood's particular rules and let you know who to phone if you have questions.

If you need help with your association management, the PMI PG County is your best port of call. PMI PG County has experience earned from managing over 100,000 units in the US. Contact us today for expert assistance in HOA issues.
